
Which statement from China can increase the difficulties of about hundred countries ?

Which statement from China can increase the difficulties of about hundred countries ?

chinese vaccine news

After the introduction of indigenous vaccine as less effective by Gao Fu, director of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) of China, the countries that use it are sure to be worried. The number of these countries is not one or two, but much more. Reuters has quoted the statement of the Chinese Foreign Minister that by March 2021, 60 countries had approved the use of Chinese-made Corona vaccine. In addition, in 69 developing countries, China had donated its indigenous vaccine as an emergency. In addition, in 43 countries, China had commercially exported indigenous corona vaccine. One of the countries where China provided this vaccine as a donation is Pakistan.

Talking about Pakistan, the vaccination program there is completely dependent on the vaccine donated by China and the vaccine provided under the World Health Organization's Covax Scheme. As far as the WHO vaccine is concerned, Pakistan is currently in the queue to get it. It is expected that a few lakh doses of vaccine will be available under Kovacs by July.

However, first let us tell you what the CDC director of China finally said. In fact, they have stated that indigenous vaccine is not very effective on corona virus. The Chinese government is working to make it more effective. He also said that the government was also considering whether different vaccines could be used for vaccination.

According to the CDC director, this Chinese vaccine has been developed in the traditional way. He also advised the government to adopt the mRNA technology being used by western countries to develop vaccine. Let us also tell you here that on the very next day of this statement, Gao Fu gave an interview to Global Times, the mouthpiece of the Chinese government, in which he overturned every statement he made. The newspaper wrote that Gao Fu did not say anything like that and his statement was twisted and introduced in the media. After this, Gao is also overturned by his statement.

Significantly, the Chinese newspaper Global Times said last month that the Synovac company's Corona vaccine is also safe for newborns and teenagers. The newspaper quoted the company as saying that it was found safe for this age after the first and second phase clinical trials of vaccine between 3–17 years of age. According to the newspaper, it was declared safe by Zeng Gang, the medical director of the Synovic company.

He also said that the rate of its side effect is 23-29 percent. Brazilian scientists questioned questions from Brazilian pharma company Synovac due to less effective anti-Kovid vaccines, news agency AP reported. According to him, its rate was only 50.4 percent. The CDC director's statement has now confirmed this somewhere. Confirmation of Brazilian facts and Gao's statement have certainly served to raise the concern of the countries where the Chinese vaccine has arrived.


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