
India-US Relation

India-US Relation: America engaged in damage control in relations with India, relations raged due to the action of the seventh fleet, know the whole matter

The statement by the US think tank came at a time when the ship of the seventh fleet of the US recently entered the Special Economic Zone without India's permission. India took this incident very seriously. India had lodged a strong objection with the US Navy. More surprising to India was the American answer. After this statement by the US, the question arose as to why the US did such an act after the close relationship between the two countries. Pro. Harsh V Pant says that after this statement of an American think tank, America is trying to control the damage. Some leaders of the Republican Party have also come forward in favor of India.

America's response to India's objection

The US had responded very harshly to this objection by India. The United States says the operation of its seventh fleet is in accordance with international law. The US military says that the US Navy operates in the Indian Ocean region every day. According to international law, the US will fly and take ships to where the US Navy is allowed to go. The US Navy stated that India's claims are inconsistent under international law. The statement further said that he has done this kind of practice before and will continue to do so in the future. The Freedom of Navigation operations are neither about one country nor about making political statements.

American lobby came in favor of India

Pro. Pant said that India must have been hurt by this move of America. This is the reason that a strong lobby in the US in favor of India has begun to pressurize the Biden administration. This lobby is putting pressure on the Biden administration that it should maintain close relations with India under any circumstances. He said that this statement of the think tank can also be seen from this perspective. Especially after this act of the American Seventh Fleet, there were threats of tension in its relations with India.

Think tank and Republican MP favored India

There is no country more important than the United States to India to counter China in the Indian Pacific and the South China Sea. India has a big contribution to America. Its excellent professional people and strong political and cultural positions have always been beneficial.

US lawmakers and think tanks are not in favor of any ban on the purchase of the S-400 missile system from Russia in India. Sons have told President Joe Biden that India should also be freed from a punitive act like KATSA.

Let us know that India has signed the S-400 missile defense system with Russia. America has been protesting about this from time to time. Now top Republican senators have demanded that India should be freed from an act like Katsa.

Many MPs, including a powerful member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and Republican Senate Todd Young, have said that we would lose a trusted partner if we put a ban on India in case of a missile system purchase from Russia during such a crisis.

Todd said it would also have an impact on the Quad, which is playing an important role in the fight with China. Thinktank has also said that India is a very reliable ally for America. India is only able to compete with China. In such a situation, he has to be treated like a good friend.

India lodged an objection under international law

On Saturday, John Paul Jones, a naval ship in the Seventh Fleet of the United States, has launched an expedition into India's exclusive military zone 130 nautical miles west of India's Lakshadweep group. The special thing is that while doing this, the US Navy did not take permission from India. India has expressed its strong objection to this. After all, what is unique about the seventh fleet of the US Navy. Under which international law has India lodged its objection. The name of this fleet came during the Indo-Pakistan War during the Cold War. In this war, the former Soviet Union stood with India and the United States had pitched its seventh fleet against India. Once again this seventh fleet has come into the limelight due to the Indian perspective.

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