
What is China's role in suppression of protesters in Myanmar ?

What is China's role in suppression of protesters in Myanmar ?

China's role in suppression of protesters in Myanmar, military is supporting the dragon with cruelty

The Chinese government is playing with the brutality of Myanmar's soldiers. China is supporting Myanmar's military government. The top EU diplomat said on Sunday that Russia and China were impeding the steps being taken by the international fraternity against Myanmar. He said that if there is a restoration of democracy in the country, it will consider financial assistance to Myanmar. This allegation of the diplomat is not baseless. Indeed, Myanmar's military is using China's drones to monitor protesters. This information is given in the report of the British Military Intelligence Publication Jane's International Defense Review. These Chinese drones were spotted in Mandalay city in the month of March.

China gave a dozen drones to the Myanmar army

According to this report, two types of drones were seen in the photographs. These drones were seen flying at low altitude. The sound of these drones was heard by the people of Mandalay. In Mandalay city, civilians are demonstrating forcefully against the military coup. Mandalay is the second largest city of Myanmar. According to the report, it has a China-made CH-3A drone. China has developed this drone. China had given 10 to 12 drones to Myanmar. These drones are used by the Myanmar Air Force.

What is the use of this drone ?

According to the report, this drone is usually used by the army for surveillance. It is used for taking photographs and collecting data.

From the data collected by it, the army carries out its plans. Apart from this, it becomes easy to campaign against any rebel group or terrorists.

The report said that the drone was used to know the ground reality in Mandalay. The army used the drone to track down the movements of the protesters.

Through this drone, the army also finds out that there is no need for a force to control the protesters. Through this, the protesters are intimidated.

Characteristics of chinese drone

China has emerged as a fast supplying country in the world. Not only this, since China started exporting drones, it has supplied more to non-democratic countries than democratic countries. Demand for these Chinese drones has increased in non-democratic countries. The name of this drone is Kehong. In Chinese, it refers to Indra Dhanush. Its maximum weight is 650 kg. Its payload capacity is 180 kg. It can carry out its work for 12 hours and staying at an altitude of 19685 feet.


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